Contemporary history experiences of Kallie de Beer: Stories of my grandpa and- mother about the Anglo Boer War. The family link to the diamond related and seventh adventist church de Beers. Farms in the Free State's little towns and trips abroad. Research in contemporary history of South African diplomacy and the change of the former South African Army into a peacekeeping force in Africa and additional academic research in casu open distance e-learning.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009


The South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) requires competent and trained assessors for short accredited courses of the Sector Training Authorities (SETA's) in various skills training programmes. Much criticism is raised against this system and even the father of OBE, David Spady, distantiates himself from the South African version. Point taken, however, it has developed into an Africanized system that bares fruit when correctly implemented. It is a more friendly users assessment system for learners and a guarantee for understanding what you are experiencing and in the same process learning. For modern conditions, continuous in-service learning is needed to keep abreast with technological developments, especially in the computer industry. Time is of the essence and manpower training depend more and more on "Work-Integrated Learning (WILL)". Lifelong learning, Adult Basic Educational Training (ABET) and Open Learning methodologies such as Open and Distance E-Learning (ODEL) in the work place anywhere, anytime, at the most cost effective way (such as Open Education Resources (OER)) and the individual's convenience are the keywords for modern education today. Our experience is that the adapted South African OBE system is only about to ascend to higher levels of learning such as for the re-training of medical doctors, engineers,pilots and able seamen. Not to mention modern peacekeeping militia and intelligence personnel. OBE in the modern work place has come to stay in our country.



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