On the basis of what is known about learning and the learning needs of students, the question arises as to what the lecturer can do to maximally facilitate or encourage learning amongst students. (Cf Venter, 2001)
It would also be a dangerous simplification to recommend that lecturers should only heed the aforementioned prerequisites and skills for meaningful learners and the problems faced by learners. What then, for instance, would be the appropriate lecturer methods and strategies, and in which learning milieu can these important but difficult requirements be met and these skills be best attained?
One important issue that should be noted is that effective teaching is directly related to the learning outcome the lecturer wishes to attain. Consequently, one cannot say that a lecturer who uses a particular lecturing method is a “better” lecturer. Similarly, one particular method is not always the best for all students. Therefore, instead of asking which lecturers are most effective, one should rather ask which lecturers are the most effective in respect of which learning outcomes and for which students (context).
Briefly, the most important points to keep in mind are the following:
It is possible to be a good lecturer in different ways.
Being a successful lecturer demands firstly a great deal of motivation, and secondly professional, teaching and learning experience, combined with the important demands of each specific situation.
In any given situation, certain teaching methods and techniques or combinations thereof may be more effective than others, but situations vary with regard to the following:
The specific group of students, e.g., at the respective Regional Learning Centres.
The level/year of learning and learner readiness in which the students find themselves.
The specific learning outcomes to be achieved in the subject field.
The lecturer’s personality traits and experience, as well as attitude towards students.
Even if the lecturer has certain limitations, and even if most of these limitations are related to personality traits that are difficult to change, there is a good chance that teaching tasks and situations can be found in which enthusiastic lecturers can rely on their strong points to achieve a fair amount of success.
Quality lecturing can only be achieved when a lecturer is prepared to be evaluated by her/his students. Self evaluation questionnaires are a great help to determine the strong and weak points of a lecturer. Subsequently the compilers of this induction material for part time lecturers included a scientific questionnaire which lecturing staff can use to measure themselves. The following questionnaire is also part of quality assurance at the CUT:
Questionnaire: Student evaluation of teaching & module content (Van Der Merwe,BC,2005/6).
Vraelys: Studente-evaluering van onderrig & module inhoud
1. The aim of this questionnaire is to determine the effectiveness of the teaching process, as it is experienced by you as a student./
Die doel met die vraelys is die bepaling van die effektiwiteit van die onderrigproses, soos dit deur u as student ervaar word.
2. The questionnaire is completed anonymously. / Die vraelys word anoniem voltooi.
3. Answer codes are provided with each question. Only one answer is allowed. / Antwoordkodes word voorsien met elke vraag. Slegs een antwoord per vraag word toegelaat.
1 Faculty / Fakulteit
2 Department;School / Departement;Skool
3 Lecturer / Dosent
4 Subject/Module / Vak/Module :
Please complete the following / Voltooi asseblief die volgende
5 Diploma Encircle response / Omkring antwoord 1
Degree / Graad 2
6 Compulsory subject / Verpligte vak
Encircle response / Omkring antwoord
Yes/Ja No/Nee
1 2
7 Fulltime / Voltyds
Encircle response / Omkring antwoord
Yes/Ja No/Nee
1 2
8 Study year / Studiejaar Encircle response / Omkring antwoord
1 2 3 4
9 Gender / Geslag
Encircle appropriate response /
Omkring toepaslike antwoord
Male / Manlik 1
Female / Vroulik 2
10 Age in years / Ouderdom in jare Indicate in the blocks / Dui aan in blokkies
11 First Language / Eerste Taal Afrikaans 1
English / Engels 2
Sotho 3
Tswana 4
Xhosa 5
Other language / Ander taal 6
12 Language in which the subject/module is presented
Taal waarin die vak/module aangebied word English/ Engels
Both English and Afrikaans /
Beide Engels en Afrikaans 3
13. Please encircle the appropriate response Omkring asseblief die toepaslike antwoord:
Give your total assessment of the content of this subject /
Dui u totale assessering aan van die inhoud van hierdie vak. Uitstekend
Good Gemiddeld
Average Swak
75 – 100% 60 – 74% 50 – 59% 0 - 49 %
B: Student evaluation of teaching/facilitation / Studente evaluering van onderrig/fasilitering
Please encircle the appropriate response: e.g. 4 3 2 1
Omkring asseblief die toepaslike antwoord:
Answer codes 4 = Almost always 3 = Frequently 2 = Sometimes 1 = Hardly ever
Antwoordkodes 4 = Byna altyd 3 = Dikwels 2 = Somtyds 1 = Byna nooit
My lecturer: Almost always/ Byna altyd Frequently /
Dikwels Sometimes/
Somtyds Hardly ever /
Byna nooit My dosent:
1. communicates effectively (verbally) 4 3 2 1 kommunikeer effektief (verbaal)
2. makes clear explanations 4 3 2 1 gee goeie verduidelikings
3. has a good command of English 4 3 2 1 praat goeie Engels
4. has a good command of Afrikaans 4 3 2 1 praat goeie Afrikaans
5. has a style of presentation that allows me to take adequate notes when necessary 4 3 2 1 het 'n aanbiedingstyl wat my die geleentheid gee om genoeg notas te maak
6. uses teaching materials effectively (black/ white boards, overhead projector, videos, MS PowerPoint) 4 3 2 1 gebruik onderrigmateriaal effektief (swart/wit borde, oorhoofse projektor, videos, MS PowerPoint)
7. uses other resources (library, internet, group work) to facilitate the learning process 4 3 2 1 gebruik ander bronne (biblioteek, internet, groepwerk) om die leerproses te fasiliteer
8. shows how this subject relates to other subjects in my course 4 3 2 1 wys hoe die vak verband hou met ander vakke in my kursus
9. explains the learning outcomes before the beginning of each lecture 4 3 2 1 verduidelik die leeruitkomste voor die begin van elke lesing
10. uses practical examples to explain the study material 4 3 2 1 gebruik praktiese voorbeelde om studiemateriaal te verduidelik
11. encourages students to ask questions 4 3 2 1 moedig studente aan om vrae te vra
12. provides a good mixture of lectures and class discussions 4 3 2 1 voorsien ‘n goeie kombinasie van lesings en klasbesprekings
13. encourages students to express ideas 4 3 2 1 moedig studente aan om hul eie idees te gee
14. treats students with respect irrespective of race or gender 4 3 2 1 behandel studente met respek ongeag ras of geslag
15. is available for individual help when needed 4 3 2 1 is beskikbaar vir individuele hulp wanneer nodig
16. grades assignments fairly 4 3 2 1 merk werkopdragte regverdig
17. marks and hands back assignments within a reasonable timeframe 4 3 2 1 merk en gee opdragte terug binne 'n redelike tydsverloop
C: Student evaluation of subject/module content Studente evaluering van vak/module inhoud
The aim of this part of the questionnaire is to determine the effectiveness of the subject/module content, as it is experienced by you as a student./ Die doel met hierdie deel van die vraelys is die bepaling van die effektiwiteit van die vakinhoud, soos dit deur u as student ervaar word.
Please encircle the appropriate response: e.g. 4 3 2 1 Omkring asseblief die toepaslike antwoord:
Answer codes / 4 = Almost always 3 = Frequently 2 =Sometimes 1 = Almost never
Antwoordkodes 4 = Byna altyd 3 = Dikwels 2 = Somtyds 1 = Byna nooit
A. Content Almost always/
Byna altyd Frequently /
Dikwels Sometimes /
Somtyds Almost never/
Byna nooit Inhoud
1. There was an appropriate balance between theory and practice. 4 3 2 1 Daar was 'n toepaslike balans tussen teorie en praktyk.
2. Current developments in this field were highlighted. 4 3 2 1 Huidige ontwikkelings in hierdie veld is uitgelig.
3. The material was covered at the right level for my needs. 4 3 2 1 Die materiaal is aangebied op die regte vlak volgens my behoeftes.
B. Organisation Organisasie
4. Lectures and/or tutorials/practicals were appropriately linked with regard to content. 4 3 2 1 Lesings en/of tutoriale/praktika is toepaslik gekoppel met die inhoud.
5. Different activities (e.g. groupwork) were well organised. 4 3 2 1 Verskillende aktiwiteite (bv. groepwerk) is goed georganiseer.
6. The order of the material developed logically over the semester/year. 4 3 2 1 Die orde van die materiaal het logies gedurende die semester/jaar ontwikkel.
C. Teaching materials Onderrigmateriaal
7. Overall the teaching materials (handouts, study guides) were of high quality. 4 3 2 1 Oor die algemeen was die onderrigmateriaal (uitdeelstukke, studiegidse) van hoë kwaliteit.
8. The recommended textbook(s) provided useful information in this field of study. 4 3 2 1 Die aanbevole handboek(e) het nuttige inligting in die vakgebied voorsien.
9. Study guides assisted my learning. 4 3 2 1 Studiegidse het die leerproses ondersteun.
D. Practical work (where applicable) Praktiese werk (waar toepaslik)
10. Learning experience outside the lecture hall (eg. field work, clinical work) took place. 4 3 2 1 Leerervarings het plaasgevind buite die lesinglokaal (bv. veldwerk, kliniese werk)
11. Practical sessions were well organised 4 3 2 1 Praktiese sessies is goed georganiseer.
12. Laboratory/practical sessions were a valuable component of this subject. 4 3 2 1 Laboratorium/praktiese sessies was 'n waardevolle komponent van die vak.
13. There was adequate time to complete practical exercises. 4 3 2 1 Daar was voldoende tyd om die praktiese oefeninge te voltooi.
14. The laboratory sessions introduced important practical skills. 4 3 2 1 Die laboratoriumsessies het belangrike praktiese vaardighede teweeggebring
E. Assessment (tests, examinations, assignments) and feedback Assessering (toetse, eksamens, opdragte) en terugvoer
15. The assessments/assignments were a fair test of my knowledge. 4 3 2 1 Die assesserings/opdragte was 'n regverdige toetsing van my kennis.
16. Assessment criteria were clearly defined. 4 3 2 1 Assesseringskriteria was duidelik gedefinieer.
17. Assessment tasks reflected the outcomes stated as specified in the studyguide. 4 3 2 1 Assesseringstake het die uitkomste soos gestel in die studiegids gereflekteer.
18. The assessments were a useful learning exercise. 4 3 2 1 Die assesserings was 'n nuttige leeroefening
19. I understood the assessment questions 4 3 2 1 Ek het die assesseringsvrae goed verstaan.
D: Learning outcomes Leeruitkomste
The following skills and competencies were addressed in the subject/module: Yes/ Ja No/
Nee Die volgende bekwaamhede en vaardighede word aangespreek deur die vak/module
1 Problem-solving skills: Identifying and solving problems 1 2 Probleemoplossingsvaardighede: Identifisering en oplossing van probleme
2 Team work: Working effectively with others in a team/group 1 2 Spanwerk: Effektiewe samewerking met ander in ‘n span/groep
3 Organising and managing oneself: To manage yourself and your activities responsibly 1 2 Organisering en selfbestuur: Om jouself en jou aktiwiteite selfstandig te bestuur
4 Research skills: To collect, analyse, organise and evaluate information 1 2 Navorsingsvaardighede: Die versameling, analisering, organisering en evaluering van inligting
5 Communication skills: To communicate effectively in oral and written mode 1 2 Kommunikasievaardighede: Om effektief op ‘n verbale of geskrewe wyse te kommunikeer
6 Technological literacy: To use science and technology effectively 1 2 Tegnologiese geletterdheid: Om wetenskap en tegnologie effektief te gebruik
7 Holistic approach: To demonstrate an understanding of the world as a set of related systems 1 2 Holistiese benadering: Om die wêreld as ‘n stel verbandhoudende stelsels waar te neem
E: Student evaluation of Teaching Facilities
Studente evaluering van Onderrigfassiliteite
The aim of this section is to determine the effectiveness of the teaching facilities, as it is experienced by you as a student./
Die doel met hierdie afdeling is die bepaling van die effektiwiteit van die onderrigfassiliteite, soos dit deur u as student ervaar word.
Please encircle the appropriate response: e.g. 4 3 2 1 Omkring asseblief die toepaslike antwoord:
Answer codes / 4 = Almost always 3 = Frequently 2 =Sometimes 1 = Almost never
Antwoordkodes 4 = Byna altyd 3 = Dikwels 2 = Somtyds 1 = Byna nooit
The lecture hall/laboratory Almost always /
Byna altyd Frequently /
Dikwels Sometimes /
Somtyds Almost never /
Byna nooit Die lesinglokaal/ laboratorium
1. The lighting of the lecture hall is adequate 4 3 2 1 Die beligting van die lesinglokaal is voldoende
2. The audio-visual equipment (overhead projector, etc) is in good working order 4 3 2 1 Die oudiovisuele toerusting(oorhoofse projektor, ens.) is in ‘n goeie toestand
3. Lecture halls are sufficiently flexible to enable various teaching approaches to be used. The physical arrangement of chairs support group work. 4 3 2 1 Lesinglokale is genoegsaam aanpasbaar om verskeie onderrig metodes moontlik te maak. Die fisiese rangskikking van stoele ondersteun groepwerk.
4. The lecture halls are neat and clean 4 3 2 1 Die lesinglokale is netjies en skoon
5. There is enough seats in the lecture hall 4 3 2 1 Daar is genoeg sitplekke in die lesinglokaal.
6. The temperature in the lecture hall enhance a learning atmosphere 4 3 2 1 Die temperatuur in die lesinglokaal bevorder 'n leer atmosfeer
7. I can hear the lecturer clearly 4 3 2 1 Ek kan die dosent duidelik hoor
8. I am able to concentrate on lectures without undue noise and other distractions from the corridor 4 3 2 1 Ek is in staat om te konsentreer sonder onnodige geraas en ander afleidings buite in die gang
F: Open ended questions
Ope vrae
The following are questions where you may give your own opinion / recommendation:
Die volgende is vrae waar u eie opinie / aanbeveling gegee kan word:
20. Suggested ways to improve subject/module content and the teaching Voorgestelde maniere om die vak/module inhoud en onderrig te verbeter.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
21. Any other general comments? / Enige ander algemene kommentaar?-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
22. Your experience of outcomes-based education, where lecturers are facilitators of learning and students active participants in the learning process - for example: discussions in class; student presentation and groupwork. / U ervaring van uitkomsgerigte onderrig, waar dosente die fasiliteerders van leer is en studente die aktiewe deelnemers aan die leerproses – byvoorbeeld: besprekings in die klas; aanbiedinge deur studente en groepbesprekings.
Dankie vir die tyd wat u bestee het met die voltooing van die vraelys/
Thank you for your time in completing this questionnaire
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