Contemporary history experiences of Kallie de Beer: Stories of my grandpa and- mother about the Anglo Boer War. The family link to the diamond related and seventh adventist church de Beers. Farms in the Free State's little towns and trips abroad. Research in contemporary history of South African diplomacy and the change of the former South African Army into a peacekeeping force in Africa and additional academic research in casu open distance e-learning.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Tanyss Munro []

From: Tanyss Munro [] Sent: 18 March 2009 05:39 AM To: De Beer Kallie Cc: Rawwida Baksh; Ruvani Ameresekere Subject: suggestions for editing chapter Dear Kallie, Thank you for your draft chapter; a Southern African perspective is very important to this book. Now that Rawwida and I have had time to discuss in detail, I am sending to you some suggested changes, but they are fairly significant and I am really hopeful that you can do it. As the nature of this book is pragmatic (use by practitioners working in communities/ community development), it is necessary for the chapters to be highly focused on some practical example or experience, with theory, ODL and conflict activities woven into it. It will be important to focus on only one or two conflict situations with one or two interventions telling the reader what did and didn’t work and concluding with concrete impact or result of approach and policy recommendations. We thought that, in general, the chapter needs more work to really focus on an example, with the theory supporting specific areas of it. Here are some other more specific comments: It might be a good idea to focus, in more detail, on only one or two very specific conflict situations. It would be useful to know more about the nature of the conflict – some insights into the nature of the conflict; Rather than bringing into the chapter several theories, only a few should be mentioned – ones that specifically add perspective to the conflict situation the chapter is focusing upon. Having said that, I will add some other comments that may no longer have relevance (depending on which theory you include)… The section on Conceptual Threads needs to clarify what `study` is being referred to. In this section and the subsequent section on Methods of Dealing with Conflict, it`s not clear whether Lederach`s pyramid model as a conceptual tool for analysing and managing post-conflict situations, and other theories of conflict resolution (e.g., Galtung`s) have been applied, or are being promoted as a potential approach to peacebuilding in the Southern African conflict situations. p. 8-9: A paragraph on women and children in conflicts seems to have been dropped into the text, without being connected to the larger analysis. If there are perspectives that give the reader insight on gender issues, that would be of great interest. The discussion of ODEL in Lesotho could benefit from being analysed through a conflict lens, i.e., how is ODEL contributing to peacebuilding and what is the link with the previous theories of conflict? Also, who are the target learners (are they either community people or people who work in communities), and what has the impact of this work been? We are not entirely clear about the section on Conclusions and Recommendations, but this would likely change as the chapter gets a little more focused. I hope these suggestions are possible for you and Khosana to address over the next few weeks. We are asking others to submit their final version by end of this month, but in light of the number of changes we are asking for, do you think it will be possible to submit your final chapter before Easter (April 8th)? If it is at all useful, I will be happy to send some of the chapters that are close to completion – please let me know as this might be useful to see. Warmest wishes, Tanyss From: Kallie De Beer [] Sent: Wednesday, February 11, 2009 7:28 AM To: Tanyss Munro Subject: LS 126 form for editing Dear Tannys Our text for your book chapter consists out of 5320 words (without the bibliography and abstract). You will notice from my e-mail to our language practitioner, Erica Wessels, that I have submitted it for language and technical editing after we had followed up on your suggested proposals. Two critical questions: v Are 5320 words within the lithographical range; and v The deadline for alterations? Regards. Kallie. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: De Beer Kallie Sent: 11 February 2009 05:07 PM To: Wessels Erica Subject: LS 126 Dear Erica I kindly enquire whether you have enough time on your hands to edit the attached draft for a book chapter of the Commonwealth of Learning (COL), Vancouver, Canada. You have already edited Mr. Tladi's research dissertation which I used as the bases for the chapter, however, this is an excerpt from his work which I had to adapt with Open and Distance E-Learning modes for the book. As you will notice, I still have to complete the LS 126 and add a few outstanding references in the text as well as the bibliography. In the meantime I am working at our Kimberley Regional Learning Centre and will only be back at the main campus by Friday. Could you perhaps indicate to us whether you will be able to finish the language and technical editing by next Tuesday? Regards. Kallie de Beer ----------------------------------------------------------------- This e-mail is subjected to the disclaimer that can be viewed at: * -----------------------------------------------------------------



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