16 March 2010
A bit of History
Brebner High School
Before 1900, the history of this school seems to be a bit vague and uncertain, what can be established, however is
that before the Anglo – Boer War, a so – called Railway Camp School was opened.
During the period 1900 – 1903, while Mr Sargant was Superintendent of Education this school was incorporated
with the new Railway Government School with a Mr C W Dunnet as principal. The new school was housed partly in
wood and iron buildings in Glen Road and partly in the upper storey of the Hostel for Apprentices in Bree Street,
which had been opened in 1898. The ground floor of this building was occupied by the police.
In June 1904, the roll had reached 586 and plans were drawn for the new buildings on the old Show Grounds in
Glen Road. The foundation Stone of the new building was laid by the Lieutenant – Governor of the Free State, Sir
Hamilton Goold – Adams, on the 16th February 1906 and the school was formally opened by Earl Selborne, the
High Commissioner of South Africa on 2nd July 1906, under the new title, Brebner Schools.
The name was in honour of Dr John Brebner. This Scotsman was the first Superintendent General of Education of
the Orange Free State, and he did pioneering work in restoring quality education to the province as well as unifying
education in schools.
A highlight was the moving of the school to its present modern buildings and spacious grounds in January 1975.
The hostel was to move a few months later and the buildings were officially opened on 21 October 1975.
Brebner had eight head masters. In 1994, the present headmaster, Mr A W Taylor, took on the challenging
responsibility of heading this dynamic and vibrant school and leading it on its destined path of change.
Nunsseenssee IIII
16 to 20 March
Eunice High School is once again presenting a musical show.
The show is directed by Dr Niel van Niekerk.
Starring Bea van der Vyver, the teachers and pupils of the school.
Tickets cost R60 each and can be purchased from
Mary Paine at the school between 07:30 and 14:30 Monday to Thursday
and 07:30 and 14:00 on Friday.
Book early so as not to be disappointed.
Switch off the lights of your home on 27 March from 8:30pm – 9:30pm.
Spread the message to your friends and family.
Send us the names of friends and
family that you would like to wish
happy birthday. You can also send
in announcements of weddings,
engagements and the arrival of a
baby. Send an email to with your
name and the person’s name
(names of couple)
Baie geluk aan Pieter Rossouw met sy verjaardag - 15 Mar
Baie geluk aan Luan Awerbachmet sy verjaardag - 18 Mar
Diiee 22001100 SSoomeerrball
in Bloemfontein!
Vrydag, 26 Maart 2010
18:30 vir 19:00
Ilanga Estate
R300 per persoon / R3 000 per tafel
Daar is iets omtrent hierdie aand...
Lewendige orkes tesame met Arco Musica en
Bloem se eie Liefling, Thabo Pitse!
Dit beloof om 'n swierige, stylvolle,
sintuiglik-stimulerende affêre te wees,
met bykans geen formaliteite nie..!
Opbrengs ten bate van Vrystaat Versorging in Aksie
Marieta by 082 558 3170 of
Werner by 084 583 3889
faks: 0866 109 317
Bloem Snippetss!
CD’s met die Bloem Snippets van nr. 1 tot nr. 50
is nou beskikbaar teen R20 per CD.
Bloem Snippets nr.1 to nr. 50 are
now availble for purchase at R20 per CD.
Indien u belangstel kontak ons by:
If you are interseted, contact us at:
Email :
Phone Marie at: 082 7729369
Paaaassffeeeess 2010
Kom vier PAASFEES saam met
NG KERK PELLISSIER hierdie jaar op ‘n ander manier.
‘n Hele feesnaweek word beplan!!
1 April – NAGMAALSDIENS – 18:30
Kaartjies : R30 p/p beskikbaar by Comuputicket
3 APRIL - 19:30 - RETIEF BURGER & orkes
Kaartjies : R50 p/p beskikbaar by Comuputicket
Bochabela Strykorkes EN Violet Orchestra (van Belgie)
in teetuin na afloop van die diens
Beleef God se Grootheid saam met jou gesin.
Hy het gesterf en opgestaan vir my en jou!!
Navrae: Ella Kotze 083 452 4043
NG Kerk Pellissier – 051 422 4010
American a capella group
22 March 2010 at 20:00
Admission: Free
Enquiries: Tel. 051 – 401 2504
Recipe / Resep
(4 - 5 porsies)
5 ml botter of laevet margarien
2 uie, gekap
1 knoffelhuisie, gekneus
50 ml tamatiepasta
300 ml hoenderaftreksel
5 ml suiker
12,5 ml Worcestersous
Sout en varsgemaalde swart peper na smaak
12,5 ml mielieblom
300 g groenbone, gekerf of heel
500 g vismootjies, vel verwyder
Verhit die botter of margarien en soteer die uie en knoffel daarin totdat dit sag is.
Voeg die tamatiepasta, aftreksel, versoeter en Worcestersous by en verhit dit tot
Laat prut dit 'n paar minute lank en geur met sout en swart peper na smaak.
Maak die mielieblom met 'n bietjie koue water aan en voeg dit by.
Roer dit voortdurend totdat dit verdik.
Skep die groenbone in 'n oondbak, plaas die vismootjies bo-op en giet die sous oor.
Bedek die oondbak met 'n deksel en bak die gereg 30-45 minute in 'n voorverhitte
oond by 180°C.
Haal die deksel af en bak dit nog sowat 15 minute.
Sit voor met volgraanbrood.
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Die nuusbrief is saamgestel en versprei deur Marie & François Fouché
This newsletter is compiled and distributed by Marie & François Fouché
Contact us at or phone at 082 772 9369
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