Contemporary history experiences of Kallie de Beer: Stories of my grandpa and- mother about the Anglo Boer War. The family link to the diamond related and seventh adventist church de Beers. Farms in the Free State's little towns and trips abroad. Research in contemporary history of South African diplomacy and the change of the former South African Army into a peacekeeping force in Africa and additional academic research in casu open distance e-learning.

Friday, February 13, 2015


BACKGROUND ON THE POSTER pesentation: <>> Large image in the left-hand corner of the well-known icon of Atlas who ponders on the world with the following words in his dream: ODeL is a philosophy for modern learning and teaching and not a method on its own. SHADE THIS DEFF WITH AN ILLUMINATED BACKGROUND WITH ILLUMINATED LETTER TYPES THAT GRASP THE VISIONARY SENSES towards the right-hand side of the poster>>>>>>>>>> Compiled keyword definition of ODeL: A true educational and democratic approach to **openness, **equity **andragogy **transparency, **user-friendly systems, **accessibility, **flexibility, **vertical and horizontal articulation, **learner mobility, **recognition of prior learning, **cost effectiveness for the people, **financial support, **free counselling services, **academic support, **library and information services with online support systems PRINT THE FOLLOWING INFO IN THE CENTRE OF THE POSTER WITH A FLOW HART EFFECT TO EACH POINT THAT FOLLOWS LOGICALLY TO THE OTHER POINT >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>RESEARCH CAPACITY ON ODeL AT THE CUT:  Founder member of the National Association for Distance and Open Learning of South Africa (NADEOSA)  Research papers at the International Organization For Distance and Open Education (IODOE)  Founder member of the African Council for Distance Education (ACDE)  Member of the South African Association for Research Development in Higher Education (SAARDHE)  Member of the Higher Education Learning and Teaching Association of Southern Africa (HELTASA)  Member of the South African Association for Co-operative Education (SASCE)  Networking with Commonwealth of Open Learning (COL) structures  UNESCO online conferences on open educational resources (OERS)  Postgraduate research within the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR)  Innovation funds  CUT’s research and development infrastructure  National Research Fund (NRF)  Accredited and non-accredited publications  Posters  Research papers at national conferences  Research papers at international conferences  International online conferences  Blogging ( Http://  Unit for Academic Development website HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS AS CLEARING HOUSES Icon of walking man>>>to>>>university>>>help desk>>>application>>>date for Academic Scholastic Apprehension Test>>>ASAT outcome>>>interview for possible academic career paths>>>the following options could be considered with regard to the outcomes of the ASAT and counselling:  Adult Basic Education and Training (ABET)  Bridging courses at a further education and training institution (FETI)  Recognition of prior learning (RPL), horizontal and vertical accreditation, mobility from other HEIs, age, and accredited short courses  Foundation courses at the specific higher education institution (HEI) or other HEIs  Service learning options  Direct placements in consultation with faculties  Postgraduate placements  Continuing education options  Lifelong learning projects LEARNING AND TEACHING METHODOLOGIES UNDER THE PROVERBIAL UMBRELLA FOR ODeL Face to face with e-learning support Dual distance-contact part-time classes with limited e-learning support Flexible learning with tutorial support Correspondence distance modes Blended learning methodologies Adult Basic Education and Training (ABET) Service learning Co-operative education Learnerships Postgraduate research projects



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