CentraC(University of T^echnofaay, Tree State Sentrale Ilniversiteit vxr Tegnoioaie, Vrystaat Yunivesithi e 'Bokarena va ^hekenoioii, Toreistata Dear Professor Lategan ■* 2005-10-03 DEVELOPMENT OF INSTITUTIONAL POSITION: SELF MANAGEMENT AND ACADEMIC FREEDOM My opinions are formulated from the day to day media reports about Ihe subject, however, am aware that this matter is considerably virulent. For example, analyse academic freedom within an analytic philosophical framework; in casu the place and role of Higher Education Institutions (HEIS) in a differentiated civilised social order. Simultaneously that of state philosophical- and constitutional approaches of political scientists in which the relation structures, community structures and social figurants are arranged within the differentiated powers of the trias politico. Transgression of the sub-variant authoritarian boundaries induce to de facto governance of persuasion. Read mismanagement on the road to destruction and chaos which lead to a qwasi democracy and eventually to despotic government. There already exists serious concerns how certain government officials of the day are not always very competent to distinguish between the law making, judicial, administrative, parliamentary, public and private rights of a differentiated just social order. For example on the terrains of sport, culture, party politics and especially primary, secondary and tertiary education. Higher education per se is neither a provincial nor party political issue. It is ministered by a National Department which is staffed by an array of individuals from various socio-economic backgrounds and ethnic cultures. Read etnos according to its true Greek concept which entails more than race and pigmentation. It inter alia means to have dominion over a specific life sphere. That docs not permit governance and the authority to rule over the interests of others according to your own and subjective views but to obey the government of the day that was democratically elected to rule in the interests of all the people. Tt is against this background that the Council of Higher Education (CHE) launched an investigation to initiate a debate in casu institutional autonomy, academic freedom and public accountability of HEIS. Therefore, a true empirical research is necessary to ensemble the expanding resistance of political literate citizens. Read academe, journalists, jurists, economists, religious denominations and especially the international opinion of the free World order! The launching of this debate is exceptionally important and time demanding before it reverts to other is because there prevails a confiision amongst political-and state interpretations of political illiterate government officials who are using and implementing transformation just for the sake as a destructive instrument to break down the group rights of minorities and who arc ignorant about governance in the interest of all the people. Central"University of Technology, Tree State Sentrafe liniversiteit vir T'egnologie, Vrystaat Yunivesitdi e (Bofiarena ya "fhekenolon, Tortistata Student politics are especially vulnerable7 due to the defunct election styles or Erst pass the poll" system which means that the "mass" is put in charge vis a vis a true proportional "choose right" dispensation that also ensures the interests of minorities as formulated in the constitution of the Republic of South Africa. This is a critical area because student representatives in senates, councils and other HEIS committees could be taken over by the masses instead of presenting the interests of a diverse student cohort. Also in the case of the same political driven trade unions as student associations who are in ca hoods with the appointees of government representatives of the same political party on HEIS councils can merge into inflammable situations. The unbalanced powers of HEIS councils have already been voiced by the Minister of National Education earlier this year. (Cf. SA Media.Volksblad.2005. University Free State). Political Scientists regard Political Freedom. Economic Independence and Access to Health Services as tlie three main benchmarks for good government. In this debate Academic Freedom is synonymous to Political Freedom. It also comprises Press Freedom and the Freedom of Expression. Academe are constantly experimenting, assessing in searching after the ideal outcomes of multiple scientific thoughts. Subsequently, when academic freedom becomes curtailed by too much government interference, academe automatically reverts to active resistance. Either by taking up the pen, which is stronger than the sword or spread their influence among their students. This revolutionary strategy was formerly used by Communist Russia as: blat silnyee sovnarkoma, which means that influence is stronger than government. This slogan was used to instigate the masses against the capitalist enemies in the free West. Without much imagination, academe, when they are feeling vindicated, could insidiously subvert to the internet for instinctive sympathy abroad. Within this scenario of revenge, free thinkers submerge. Free thinkers are known to reject all forms of authority and religion. Subsequently this form of academic freedom must by all means not be stimulated at all...Consequently the government of the day should guard against bureaucratic infringements on academic freedom within the holistic meaning of the expression to protect civil rights for social and political liberty. Signed. DR KJ DE BEER DIRECTOR DISTANCE EDUCATION CENTRAL UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY, FREE STATE
-- Posted By Kallie (Karel Johannes) de Beer to Dr Karel Johannes de Beer at 3/02/2015 06:11:00 AM
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