Contemporary history experiences of Kallie de Beer: Stories of my grandpa and- mother about the Anglo Boer War. The family link to the diamond related and seventh adventist church de Beers. Farms in the Free State's little towns and trips abroad. Research in contemporary history of South African diplomacy and the change of the former South African Army into a peacekeeping force in Africa and additional academic research in casu open distance e-learning.

Thursday, September 11, 2008




Technology based Open and Distance e-Learning (OdeL) which is currently hampered by the multilingual African societies will be overcome via appropriate technical solutions without totalitarian language management engineering of politicians. Carl Sagan (1996: 432) writes in his book “The Demon-haunted world: “Science is a candle in the dark”.

New ideas, invention, and creativity in general, always spearhead a king of freedom breaking out of hobbling con-strains. Freedom as a prerequisite for continuing the delicate experiment of science which is one reason the former Soviet Union could not remain a totalitarian state and be technologically competitive. At the same time, science – or rather its delicate mix of openness and scepticism, and its encouragement of diversity and debate – is a pre-requisite for continuing the delicate experiment of freedom in an industrial and highly technological society.

Skeptical thinking does not imply that ODeL will be exactly planned according to the philosophy of OL as argued for the only and single solution for Higher Education Institutions (HEI’s) in Africa, but to serve as a premise or starting point for an holistic differentiated meaning. That implies that the whole concept is bigger than its parts which could be investigated with a logical set of logical reasoning tools:

• Facts that ODeL is on the agenda for HEI’s;

• Substantive evidences of academic debates are available;

• Experts of ODeL with renowned authority propagate the democratic ideas of freedom and openness;

• OL is open for multiple working hypothesis for a number of methodologies that are successfully implemented and developed, e.g. Flexible learning, Blended Learning and all its sub-divisions;

• ODEL as such is an alternative hypotheses on its own. A number of new ideas on OL can be elaborated on, however, not initial impressions which were already coined;

• Alternatives for ODeL are yet to be developed. Subsequently it is not a final panacea for HEI’s. One reason for example, will be to reject the idea that e-learning could ever replace the lecturer in the African learning culture.


This is a study to understand the philosophy of Open Learning (OL) within global and Africanized perspectives. Subsequently it must be studied as such when it is said that Native Africans learn by imitation. They observe their fathers and accomplished leaders during their apprenticeships. General principles were passed down from generation to generation (Sagan, 1996: 325). !Kung San, southern Africa’s original people of the Kalahari Desert, in the Republic of Botswana and Namibia who are typical of the hunter-gather mode of existence – in which modern people spent most of their time – are compared with the most advanced space projects of the National Aeronautic Space Administration (NASA). One of their scientists, Carl Sagan (1996: 315), describes their formidable forensic tracking skills as “science in action”. Modern space scientists do just the same when they try to analyze a crater on the Moon, Mercury or Triton by its degree of erosion. However, they do not perform their calculations only, on Maxwell’s equations or quantum mechanics from scratch. Instead, they also figure out all the tracking protocols since the beginning of mankind according to Nature’s rules. For example like the !Kung tracking protocols. How they scrutinized footprints of fast moving animals which display longed symmetry. Their accuracy of inductive and deductive reasoning. The wind that blow away the footprints. These methods are identically to what planetary astronomers use in analyzing craters, other things being equal, depth-to-diameter ratios and wind erosive processes. (Sagan, 1996:313).

The above scenario exactly describes the approach towards the philosophy of OL. That is from the cradle of mankind in Africa to the first step of mankind on the Moon. It covers the whole history of academic and technological development through the ages. It adds on. It refers back. It projects. It integrates knowledge. It preserves intelligence. It unlocks information. It disseminates knowledge and knows how to implement skills.

In Higher Education nomenclature, concepts of knowledge and skills production constantly changes since the very first establishments of European church universums. (Places of knowledge, value, traditions and religion in the wider world) (Cf.Lategan, 2005).

Traditional universities, however, transformed according to multiple external needs of society. For an example, in contemporary historical terms formal adult education in the West began during the Industrial Revolution, when it was needed to deliver a trained labour force and a literate, cohesive population. It developed further during the 1920s, when scholars such as Eduard Lindeman and John Dewey proposed the democratic, learner-centred philosophy of education known as Progressivism. (OUHK: 2004). It gained momentum in the civil rights era of the 1960’s. Sizer created a model that linked the stages of national development to types of education. Although he did not anticipate the changes that technology would bring to education in the coming decades, his premise remains strong: “Education is contextual, and as societies change, so do their educational needs”. In the post-war era Asia experienced unprecedented change, which precipitated new educational initiatives. (OUHK, 2004).

Eventually Asian nations adopted a lifelong learning orientation, and open universities for adult learners expanded. Korea, Indonesia, Thailand, Turkey, and India have between 200,000 and 500,000 students in their open and distance learning universities; China has nearly one million. There are open universities in Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Singapore, and Vietnam. Tam noted that open and distance learning (ODeL) were becoming “the main vehicles for addressing the education, training, and human resources development needs of Asian nations.” (OUHK: 2004).

One of the first models for OL is best exemplified by the British Open University which is founded in adult education theory with a distinctly Western orientation. Its goals include:

• Nurturing autonomous, self-directed individuals to help them reach their potential;

• Challenging the status quo so that adult learners become change agents in society;

• Linking education with job training and hence with labour force requirements;

• Redressing social inequities; and

• Promoting a democratic society.

The stated mission of the International Council for Adult Education (ICAD) includes promoting peace, the advancement of women and oppressed and marginalized people, and universal literacy and access to education, basic services, and employment (OUHK, 2004).

The dean of the faculty of Education at the University of Pretoria Jonathan Jansen summarizes: “You may recognise another university in which the entire place has been transformed into a commercial center, the departments called ‘cost-centres’ and the students called ‘clients’; in which every “management” meeting is consumed with balancing the budget in the light of impending subsidy cuts; in which the response to external intervention is one of compliance and consent; in which the accumulation of large and larger numbers of accredited publications is pursued with relentless vigour; in which teaching is equated with the elegance of scholarship. Just about every in such a place is in the business of (ac)counting. Here, too, the university has long ceased to exist.” ( TB Davie Memorial Lecture, 2004).

Consequently the whole curricula of the discipline: Philosophy of Education have also co-constructed the knowledge debate to:

• A leaner-centred approach;

• Problem-based instruction;and
• Life long learning. (Venter and Van Heerden, 2001: 20).

A modern university became a knowledge-constructing industry, however as temporary, developmental, socially and culturally mediated. It is therefore non-objective (Venter and Van Heerden, 2001: 21). Lategan (2000: 3) describes the post modern university where there are no boundaries between institutions. It is no longer a question of the territory of HEIs, but now a question what HEIs can contribute to nation building. Prof C Viljoen (2005), industrialist says that through the ages of mankind, there were three identifiable revolutions in the so called knowledge industry, namely:

The Agricultural Revolutions (2000 BC)
The Industrial Revolutions (1750 AD)
The Information Revolutions (1950 AD…)

It created a 3 level society, namely an upper, middle and working class. The Information Revolution differentiated between the “haves and the have nots”. (Viljoen, 2005: 1).

In the process it dismantled hierarchies and “flattened” society structures such as traditional universities. Distance became irrelevant in the decentralisation of universities and the creation of the virtual knowledge society and cyberspace (Cf. Viljoen, 2005: 2). The implications of IT created demands for better education and skilled workers. The information society forced the new universities into partnership models. Universities of Technology transfer are directly accountable for National and African societal expectations.

Higher Education underwent a paradigmatic change globally and therefore the Association of African Universities (AAU) also strives to change their epistemology of new paradigms. Subsequent to this fact, the AAU used the principles of OL in breaking the ground for the following innovative ideas in the African context:

“Within the AVU, we decided to change the way we see our strategic role in African higher education and training and the value we add to various initiatives in African universities. We decided to look for a niche in the African higher education landscape by concluding an (outside-in) analysis on how we can create and add value in the burgeoning networked African higher education and training environment. In other words, it become necessary to change the epistemological and ideological paradigms that frame and predicate the way we operate in the African higher education and training scene. In that schema, the art of progress is to preserve the order we inherited amid change, and to preserve the change we are working on amid order in the AVU network that has been established over the years by the African and external institutions that we are working with on this continent.” (Kuzvinetsa: 2005: 9).

The Low rating of sub-Saharan Africa on several indicators of HEI’s in access, gender equity, inclusion, quality and achievement has been of great concern in the last thirteen years since the Jomtien conference of 1990. (VIHEAF: 2004). These concerns have translated into plans of action for redress by the Conference of African Ministers of Education (MINEDAF), the African Union (AU)-formerly Organisation of African Unity Decade of Education of Africa, and the New partnerships for fast-tracking the attainment of the Millennium Development Goals (MDG) in Africa are being laid out by the AU, MINEDAF and NEPAD. (VIHEAF:2004).

The core component of these strategies is capacity building in the form of equipping/strengthening key operators and implementers with the requisite knowledge, skills and attitudes to bring about positive change. This is premised on the age-long assumption that the human element including teachers and managers is the most important determinant of success in the teaching-learning enterprise. If Africa is to improve its standing in Higher Education (HE) indicators and the attainment of the Millennium Development Goals, attention must be focused on improving the capacity of its teachers and educational managers to deliver good quality HE. (VIHEAF:2004).

Needs assessment surveys conducted over the last eight years by the Higher Education Unit of UNESCO-BREDA, the Nigerian National Universities Commission and UNESCO Harare Cluster Office have revealed that capacity needs to be built in the following areas in sub-Saharan Africa,among others:

• HIV/AIDS Education for Primary Education Teacher Training;

• Development of materials for open distance learning ODL;

• Modern methods of teaching and learning Andragogy;

• Modern Research Skills for higher education teachers; and

• Modern methods of educational institution administration and management. (VIHEAF:2004)

Emerging themes in this new customer/client/human approach are for instance the whole philosophy of Emotional Intelligence. Customers/clients are better informed than ever before (Van Lill: 2005:2). This fact forced HEI’s to change their organisational structures and “to increase production because of technological advances” (Van Lill,2005:2).

This is the obvious reason why OL is the natural choice to change conventional curricula into more generic models for life long learning which could be merged with the job market (Cf. Van den Branden and Lambert: 99: 21).

More important for South African Universities is that the “changes in the relationship between HEIs and society were brought to the fore in the context of the 1990s democratic transition and the concomitant identification by policy makers of different elements that would contribute to the reconstruction and development of a society weakened by racial discrimination, political oppression and social inequality. Thus the most general aim of change in post-apartheid South Africa – the development of a just and democratic society where the majority of the population can share in the wealth of the country and realise individual and collective potential – had to be translated into new missions, strategies and directions in the discharge the core functions of HEIs” (HEQC,April 2005).

This process of transformation has been expressed in legislation which inter alia have identified the following goals:

• Promote equity of access and fair chances of success to all who are seeking to realise their potential through HE, while eradicating all forms of unfair discrimination and advancing redress for past inequalities in HEIs;

• Meet, through well-planned and co-coordinated teaching, learning and research programmes, national development needs, including the high-risk employment needs of a growing economy operating in a global environment;

• Support a democratic ethos and a culture of human rights through educational programmes and practices conducive to critical discourse and creative thinking, cultural tolerance, and a common commitment to a humane,non-sexist order;and

• Contribute to the advancement of all forms of knowledge and scholarship, and in particular address the diverse problems and demands of the local, national, southern African and Africa contexts, and uphold rigorous standards of academic quality. (Higher Education White Paper 3: 1. 14).

Consequently the Council on Higher Education (CHE: 2003) launched a research project on ODeL in collaboration with the South African Institute for Distance Education (SAIDE: 2004). Although this research has been submitted to the National Minister of Education, Ms N. Pandor, no clear cut government policies have yet been tabled, for the future for HEI’s to start redefining their policies and procedures for ODeL. However, due to Pres Thabo Mbheki’s commitments to the AAU on NEPAD principles ODeL is a given factor. And of course to link the ideals of the AAU with the African Union (AU), UNESCO, Commonwealth of Learning (COL) and the African Virtual University (AVU) which is sponsored by the World Bank.

Therefore regulatory barriers; policymakers must attend to the removal of regulatory barriers to learning, especially to facilitate the application of ICT’s in HEI’s (Dhanarajan,2005:67).

A very prominent and meaningful press release of the AAU at its Cape Town conference in February 2005 says it all:

The publication today of the report of the Commissions for Africa, Our Common Interest, is an occasion of profound promise for the continent and its future. The report sets out fully and blisteringly the challenges facing Africa. More importantly, it presents new opportunities for Africa and her partners in the international community to reshape policy and practice to create a better life for the people of Africa.

The Association of Commonwealth Universities and the Association of African Universities unreservedly support the analysis and recommendations of the Commission, and welcome the spirit of new partnership between the Africa Union/ NEPAD and the international community which animates the report. Specially, we are delighted that the Commission has fully endorsed the ten-years partnership programme developed by the ACU and the AAU, Renewing the Universities, and that it has called upon the international community to provide the US $5 billion necessary to implement fully the programme.

It is clear, as President Mbheki has repeatedly argued that the universities of Africa are central to any sustainable effort to rebuild and develop the continent. Only the universities can provide the human capital necessary to ensure the good governance which lies at the core of the solution to all of Africa’s problems.

The report of the Commission makes clear that the renewal of Africa’s universities is a necessary condition for:

• Building the human and institutional capacity necessary to create and sustain the good governance, without which sustainable progress cannot be achieved in any area;

• Developing the leadership in public life, in civil society, and in business which is critical to African-led sustainable development;

• Improving the accountability of governments;

• Building citizen participation and strengthening the culture of democracy;

• Sustainable social and economic development;

• The achievement of the Millennium Development Goals and Education for All;

• Ensuring Africa’s effective participation in the knowledge economy;

• Building the capacity in science, engineering;and

• technology necessary to bridge the science gap between Africa and the rest of the world.

The ACU and the AAU share fully the conviction of the Commission that building capacity in science and technology is a necessary condition for addressing pressing problems from agricultural development to water to create the proposed network of African Institutes of Technology and research centres.

The success of Renewing the Universities will require the active support of key African and international stakeholders. We are deeply grateful for the formal commitment to our partnership expressed by Universities UK and the South African Universities Vice-Chancellors Association and this week by the plenary meeting of the Australian Vice Chancellors Committee. We hope that all of the universities of the Commonwealth will join our partnership and, further, that we shall create a global coalition of universities in support of the recommendations of the Commission. The AAU and the ACU will also be working with colleagues from a variety of countries who have already in place important initiatives in support of different aspects of African higher education.

The leaders of Africa are clear that higher education is central to the progress of their countries. The ten year partnership programme that we have established, and which has been fully endorsed by the Commission, offers a unique opportunity to renew the physical and human capacity of Africa’s universities, thereby enabling them to contribute decisively to the solution of Africa’s most crippling problems. We call upon the international community to provide the resources necessary to implement in full the recommendations of the Commission so that future generations do not “… look back, and wonder how could our world have known and failed to act?”.

Urgent recommendations for HEI’s inter alia will be to:

• Apply for AAU – membership;

• Change their corporate sections for International Affairs to “African and International Affairs”;

• Budget for the development of ODeL;

• Adapt iAcademic Plans according to ODeL principles;

• Adapt academic curricula to Flexible Learning according to ODeL principles;

• Academic staff development in ODeL;
• Share resources with other African HEI’s (e.g. library facilities and co-operative education infrastructures);

• Change “Diretor Distance Education” to “ Director Open-and-distance Learning”;

• Co-operate with the United Nations UNI-TWIN project of UNESCO at the University Free State on Microbiology in African States;

• Enhance the establishment of a single co-ordinatted Open University System which includes the Vocational Colleges, Agricultural Colleges and all the Further Education and Training Institutions;and

• Participate in peacekeeping initiatives on the African continent.


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Open And Distance E-Learning (Odel)

The Director: Academic Development and Researc at the Central University of Technology, Free State (CUT), South Africa, Dr Kallie de Beer, is currently researching the
various aspects of ODeL. Traditional concepts of distance education have
changed forever with the integration of educational technologies such as elearning,
open education resources (OERs) and cooperative education models
(work-integrated learning, etc.).
ODeL is a philosophy for modern learning and teaching and not a method on its
own. For example, the following compilation of keywords in computer searches
will assist you to find the modern educational concepts on *openness,
*transparency, *accessibility, *flexibility, *vertical and horizontal articulation, *
learner mobility, *recognition of prior learning *cost effectiveness, *financial
support *free counselling services *academic support and *library and
information services with online support systems.
Subsequently our Unit for Academic Development has to keep abreast of research development in ODeL and has established a
research capacity network for the academe of our institution to share along with the following initiatives:
TheCUTis a founder member of the National Association for Distance and Open Learning of South Africa (NADEOSA);


Africanisation and Nomenclature in curriculation

In our research how to Africanise the United Nations curriculum for peacekeeping correspondence
instruction for African militia, my co-researcher, Dr Pierre de Montfort was confronted by academe abroad
that the courses are internationally accredited. Why Africanise it? He proved that the nomenclature,
acronyms and definitions of warfare in Africa differ in meaning from that of the UN versions. Firstly, Africa is
dominated by Arab, Franco phone, Lucophone and British lingua francas. Historically the French, the
Portuguese and the British colonial military traditions further differentiated into customised—read
Africanised—uses for training soldiers. Also in southern Africa, the concepts of terrorists changed into
freedom fighters, while offensive as well as defensive terminology is now transformed into peacekeeping
operations. Many examples could be quoted; however, the main point to remember is that the African
languages do not poses the same technological terminology as the United Nations concepts.
Subsequently, curriculation in the true African meaning at our university will have to commence with the
correct translation of the African idiom into the technological terminology of universities of technology. Atrue
and meaningful reflection of the curriculum will have also to take anthropology into account. It is easy to
define it as a holistic approach, but not to specify the diverse points of conflict such as religion, tradition,
language, economical, historical, ethical, judicial, biological and geographical aspects. Otherwise the whole
exercise will be in vain. Let alone political interferences in higher education. In the last sense of the word,
some universities in South Africa are waiting for the new government in 2010 before they will adapt their
curriculation processes. Most certainly not an easy task ahead.


Wednesday, September 10, 2008


"wireless power wonder...From: Nico Baird []
Sent: 07 November 2007 03:57 AM
To: De Beer Kallie
Subject: Wireless Electricity
"An interesting bit of technology was mentioned on the NewScientist and the BBC news of an experiment, demonstrating how radiation could be used to power and recharge devices.

"I will admit to being curious and cautious how energy efficient this might be .. there is little point in charging your mobile phone whilst warming up the planet with more stray radiation. After a little more research and I found out thatany energy not transferred to laptop is re-absorbed by source antenna. This is good news as I generally like to avoid resonating at 10 MHz whilst sitting next to an RF transmitter in my home.

"I do have one curious thought if this technology is adapted for wider use in schools. Not only will it kindly recharge any laptops in a staff room, it could probably recharge the mobile phones left in the nearby locker bay, mp3 players left in pockets and any game devices hidden out of sight in student pockets.

Let the power run free. :-)"



Birthday photo of my grand daughter, Kalista De Beer in Polokwane, Limpopo Province, South Africa.



From: Riaan de Beer []
Sent: 10 May 2008 01:42 AM
To: De Beer Kallie
Subject: de Beer familie...


My naam is Riaan en ek is ook 'n de Beer...

wou net weet waar oom daai de beer familie skild gekry het...

eks opsoek na 'n boek oor die de Beers in suid afrika, en miskien in belgie of nederland
wat ek hoor die de beer familie vanaf kom. ek is ook opsoek na iemand wat dalk 'n beter
kwaliteit de beer familie skild het. ek beplan om dit grooter op 'n hout skild te verf
en op ons huis se hek buite te sit. hehe glo dit sal goed lyk.

het bietjie gekyk na die ou de beer graftes, is interessant om uit te vind hoe die familie naam in
suid afrika verprei het.

my oupa, B.K. de Beer het 'n boek gekryf in die 1970's "Agter die Magalies" en binne die is daar baie familie
geskiedenis, wat hy bymekaar gemaak het oor die de beer familie in die brits en de kroon area naby pretoria,
asook al die familie rekords wat hy in die hande kon kry.

lekker dag verder en goed om te sien ander mense wil ook uitvind waar die de beers van kom.
wens net ons het aandele in die diamant bedryf gehad hehe :)

Riaan de Beer



"Cecil Rhodes (1853-1902), British colonial statesman and financier, one of the main promoters of British rule in southern Africa.

"Cecil John Rhodes was born July 5, 1853, in Bishop's Stortford, England. In 1870 he was sent to live with his brother in Africa, in the area now known as South Africa. Diamond fields were discovered at Kimberley in Cape Colony that year, and Rhodes became a diamond prospector. By the time he was 19 years old he had accumulated a large fortune. In 1873 he returned to England to study at the University of Oxford; until 1881, when he received his degree, he divided his time between the university and the diamond fields. His most important achievement during this period was the amalgamation of a large number of diamond-mining claims to form De Beers Mining Company, which he controlled. In 1881 he entered the Cape Colony Parliament and held the seat for the rest of his life. Rhodes was largely responsible for the annexation to the British Empire of Bechuanaland (now Botswana) in 1885. In 1888, with the founding of De Beers Consolidated Mines Limited, Rhodes monopolized the diamond production of Kimberley. In the same year he wrested exclusive mining rights from Lobengula, the ruler of Matabeleland (now in Zimbabwe). In 1889 Rhodes was granted a charter to incorporate the British South Africa Company. Until 1923 it controlled what are now Zimbabwe and Zambia; the area was named Rhodesia in 1894 in honor of Rhodes.

"In 1890 Rhodes was made prime minister of Cape Colony. Five years later he supported a conspiracy by British settlers in the South African Republic (see Transvaal), in what is now northeastern South Africa, to overthrow the government of the republic, which was dominated by the Afrikaners, or Boers. The revolt was to be backed by a British South Africa Company force led by Sir Leander Starr Jameson, British administrator of the lands constituting present-day Zimbabwe. On December 29, 1895, Jameson invaded the South African Republic prematurely and unsuccessfully. Rhodes was acquitted of responsibility for the invasion, known as Jameson's Raid, but he was censured for his role in the plot against the government of the South African Republic and was forced to resign his premiership the following month. He then devoted himself to the development of Rhodesia. During the Boer War he was prominent in the defense of Kimberley. He died at Cape Town on March 26, 1902, before the war was over. In his will Rhodes left most of his fortune to the establishment of the"*

*Microsoft ® Encarta ® 2007. © 1993-2006 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.



For a fattening beer experience go to:


Tuesday, September 09, 2008


So few people in our home town, Bloemfontein in the Free State Province of South Africa, actually knows that trains are designed and built inthe huge workshops of the Railway. My brother in-law, Johan Broderick, is also one of the managers to oversee the delicate welding processes. Especially the upside down skill who few welders can achieve. The photo's of these diesel electric units are taken from a magazine of the Railway Academy in the workshop. The diesel units were ordered by a cement factory.





I copied this very old map of Bern, Switzerland, from a framed sketch in a SA diplomat's home. The bear which also occurs in the De Beer coat-of-arms is clearly visible in the little black image (in the centre near the top) within the red shield.


Monday, September 08, 2008





Helene, wife of brother Fonnie,Johan Broderick, wife of sister Annemarie, wife Christa and ex sister in law,Stienie.




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