Contemporary history experiences of Kallie de Beer: Stories of my grandpa and- mother about the Anglo Boer War. The family link to the diamond related and seventh adventist church de Beers. Farms in the Free State's little towns and trips abroad. Research in contemporary history of South African diplomacy and the change of the former South African Army into a peacekeeping force in Africa and additional academic research in casu open distance e-learning.

Friday, February 12, 2016

Theatre of the absurd

An aged political scientist tried to define his thoughts about the chaotic SA parliament opening in Cape Town last night. His most apt definition of the bizarre acts of some of the oposition members is that of the theatre of the absurd. Overall the political actors -- which they really are ) portrayed their clown characters in a childish and very naive effort to disrupt the order of Parliament. Monotonous chants with subjective goals only to impress their politically illeterate followers. However, forgetting the bad immage they were showing off to the local citizens an international public at large...i.e that of a real bananna republic  like elswhere on the African continent. All the pomp and splendour of the the occasion was damaged for ever. Those politicians who act against the character of this traditional practice embarresd themselves as well as their fo llowers.