Uit die DE BEER register van Jaleen:
10862 e6 Johannes Nicolaas DE BEER <6775> (10813/x), ∗ Kaapkolonie 06.12.1830, ≈ 04.04.1831, † Smithskraal, Boshof dist. 20.06.1883 »α VAB B689. (52-6-14). Die plaas “Vooruitzicht” waarop Kimberley myn begin het, het aan hom en sy broer Diederik Arnoldus (e4) behoort. Die De Beers Maatskappy is na hulle vernoem. Beroep: Veeboer.
»» Kinders (10): 10863, 10976, 10977, 10985, 11021, 11071, 11072, 11073, 11074, 11079 x Susanna Anetta Elizabeth STEENKAMP <6776>, ∗ KP ±__.12.1831, † Smitskraal, Boshof dist. 08.05.1893 »α VAB S1070. Ook genoem: Susanna Annetta Margrietha Elizabeth Steenkamp. SAG 3, p. 252, kol. 2 noem haar Anetta Margarietha Elizabeth Steenkamp.
Hulle tweede dogter:
10976 f2 Wilhelmina Aletta DE BEER <6831> (10862/x), ∗ 28.06.1856, ≈ Bloemfontein 05.10.1856 »α Ook genoem: Jacoba Wilhelmina Aletta. Doopregister se gegewens is gebruik.
x Jacobsdal 23.08.1869, ÷ __.__.1881, Adam Willem Johannes HEFER <6832>, ∗ 01.09.1842, ≈ Cradock 23.04.1843, † Volksrust 14.02.1924 »α SAG 3, p.
252, kol. 2. Beroep: Onderwyser, boer, kruiedokter. Hy skei in 1881, trou daarna xx met Johanna Greyling, xxx Maria Elizabeth Botha. Die volgende uit SAG 3 soos hierbo genoem: “Hy en sy nakomelinge uit sy derde huwelik (e5 - e11) aanvaar die van, HELLFERSCHEE, en hy aanvaar die name Alttden John.”
xx Hugo Hendrik BIERMAN <11306>
xxx Johannes Petrus Stephanus LUBBE <6902> »α Hy was ook getroud met Jacoba Wilhelmina Aletta de Beer.
Johan J Pottas IKT / ICT
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From: avonne []
Sent: 10 March 2011 05:49 PM
To: De Beer Kallie
Subject: [Karel de Beer] New comment on GRAVE OF "DIAMOND" DE BEER.
avonne has left a new comment on your post "GRAVE OF "DIAMOND" DE
I am Avonne Pickering, granddaughter of Edith van Staden, nee Biermann, whose mother was Cornelia de Beer. Cornelia was the daughter of Nicolaas Johannes de Beer, of diamond fame. She married a Hefer and was widowed, and then married Hugo Hendrik Biermann. I have the remains of a photo taken in the Kimberly Concentration Camp with Cornelia, Hugo and their baby daughter , Evelyn. the rest of the picture sadly has deteriorated but the photo and story about it were published in The Saturday Star Joahnnesburg in about 1988 or so, being submitted by Major Herzog Biermann from Pretoria, one of the grandsons of Hugo Hendrik. Do you have any information about Cornelia ? thanks, Avonne
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